Vokas et Verbas in Tanura
Ela omnis!
Mi kere ut parlir sur grammatika de Tanura oy. Mi tenti ut krir simpla normas para aprendaras de hat lingua. Para eksampa, fi ese muya facila ut fasir vokas ab verbas. Toda verbas in Tanura fine apud sufiksa -ir. Para vokas, fi ese satisa ut omitir sufiksa -ir ab verbas et adderir sufiksa -a. Eksaminirus:
Amir (Verba) = Ama (Voka)
Una maga rega! Fi ese posibla ut derivir vokas ab vokas. Adderir sufiksa -ra in fina de palabras et ti habo una nova voka:
Ama (Voka) = Amara (Voka)
Kua sur conjuga de verbas?, talveza ti reke. Ibi ese solali seisa tempas in Tanura:
- Presenta Tempa
- Pasada Tempa
- Futura Tempa
- Presenta Kontina Tempa
- Pasada Kontina Tempa
- Futura Kontina Tempa
Meminir hat verbas in Tanura fine apud sufiksa -ir. Omitir sufiksa -ir et adderir sufiksa -e ut conjugir verbas in Presenta Tempa, adderir sufiksa -i para Pasada Tempa et adderir sufiksa -o para Futura Tempa:
Para kontina tempas, adderir sufiksa -ete in Presenta Kontina Tempa, sufiksa -iti in Pasada Kontina Tempa et sufiksa -oto in Futura Kontina Tempa:
Realize ti hat conjuga de verbas ese idema para toda subjektas? Fi ese hat facila!
Esperir para maga…
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Hello everyone!
I would like to talk about the grammar of Tanura today. I tried to create simple rules for learners of this language. For example, it is very easy to make nouns from verbs. All verbs in Tanura end with the suffix -ir. For nouns, it is enough to omit the suffix -ir from verbs and add the suffix -a. Let’s examine:
Amir (to love / verb) = Ama (love / noun)
One more thing! It is possible to derive nouns from nouns. Add the suffix -ra at the end of words and you will have a new noun:
Ama (love / noun) = Amara (lover / noun)
What about the verbs?, perhaps you ask. There are only six tenses in Tanura:
- Presenta Tempa (Present Tense)
- Pasada Tempa (Past Tense)
- Futura Tempa (Future Tense)
- Presenta Kontina Tempa (Present Continuous Tense)
- Pasada Kontina Tempa (Past Continuos Tense)
- Futura Kontina Tempa (Future Continuous Tense)
Remember that verbs in Tanura end with the suffix -ir. Omit the suffix -ir and add the suffix -e to conjugate verbs in Present Tense, add the suffix -i for Past Tense and add the suffix -o for Future Tense:
Ablir (to speak):
For continuous tenses, add the suffix -ete in Present Continuous Tense, the suffix -iti in Past Continuous Tense, the suffix -oto in Future Continuous Tense:
Ablir (to speak):
Do you realize that conjugation of the verbs is the same for all subjects? It is that easy!
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